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Our Organization

Administration Division
Personnel, accounting, finance, tax, legal affaires
Business Promotion Division
Sales, customers, business partners, contract management
Systems Technical Division
ERP Business Team
General-purpose machine, office computer team
Finance, manufacturing, sales, distribution, administration etc.
COBOL, PL / 1, RPG, ASM etc.
Open Systems Team
C / S, WEB-based control system, image system, communication system, N/W environments support etc.
UNIX / C, VB, VB.NET, Access, C, C + +, VC + +, JAVA, Perl, PHP, ASP, C # etc.
WEB Site Business Team
WEB environment, design, construction, content creation,
Access log analysis, SEO support
Network / Server management team
Network / Server analysis, construction, operation, management
Structural Systems Division
Sales support of packaged software for structural analysis and design
Developing and sales of our own product "Asda"
International Business Division
IT services for the overseas projects operating by Japanese company
IT services for the projects to the foreign companies operating in Japan
Promotion of international blue-chip packaged software
Research, technology assessment, localization, deployment and support
Business organization
As our new business development, including the technical and business collaboration with the potential foreign company especially in India

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Inter Resource Corporation